If you use this patcher then you can easily active your adobe cc 2017. Zii Mac application for mac operating system user.
It was made by T.N.T group, only supports Mac OS X. Adobe Zii Patcher 2.2.1, 2.2 is a great tool to help you perfectly activate/crack all applications of Adobe CC 2015 2017 with one click. Download file - Adobe CC 2017 activation tool.zip. Sometimes an error may appear here, then you have to enter privacy settings and agree. Then the macOS folder and select install. Mount the.dmg file, go to the ‘extra’ folder, then right-click and select show package contents. Close it, fire up Adobe Zii attached to the.dmg file, patch it and it’s ready!.if there are errors during installation and there is nothing in the privacy settings about permission to view the application, click the right mouse button on install, then show the contents of the package, enter the macOS folder and choose installation.